Coffee, Sparkling Water and Wine
You can usually find Megan and I drinking sparkling water, coffee or wine and not necessarily in that order :). I also drink real water but Megan doesn’t – ha! I’m not joking. Everyone I know drinks sparkling water (known as bubbly water in our house) these days but we may drink more of it than the average human. Given that it’s so popular right now, there are always new flavors and varieties coming out and we make sure to try them. So, as self-proclaimed experts in the sparkling water department and really with nothing exciting going on in our lives at the moment, I thought I would fill you in on our favorites and what you should try if you haven’t.

Bubly Sparkling Water in Apple, Pineapple, and Watermelon are delicious and on the tip top of our list right now. I was excited to try the Bubly Strawberry but it didn’t blow me away.
Have you seen the La Croix Limoncello yet? I just had it for the first time on Easter and I’m hooked. It has been way too long since I have had a La Croix Ni Cola – why don’t they sell these at more grocery stores?! I can only find them at PCC. I tried the relatively new La Croix Hibiscus and was disappointed – it tastes a little too much like cough syrup to me. Key Lime, Apricot, Grapefruit and Mango are a few of our go to favorites.
Spindrift Half Tea & Half Lemon is like a very light Arnold Palmer and is a tasty afternoon beverage if you happen to be craving an Arnold Palmer – which is me any warm Spring or Summer day. Also, you can never go wrong with Spindrift Grapefruit. Yum.
S. Pellegrino Essenza Tangerine & Wild Strawberry are my favorite of the Pellegrino brand. I’ve tried them all.
Polar Seltzer JR are the perfect sparkling water for kids. In junior size cans and super fun flavors these are like the carbonated beverage equivilant of a fun-sized candy bar. Joey loves these and can actually finish them which is a win-win because he isn’t asking for mine and leaving a can 75% full to never be touched again.
The latest and maybe greatest? CBD-infused seltzer water AKA the LaCroix of cannabis. New brands are hitting shelves and the internet and Megan did her research and found a few of the best to give Chris for his birthday (today!). According to my research, sparkling CBD beverages are equally as refreshing and better for you and often paired with adaptogens. But what are adaptogens? In very very simple terms and with my limited knowledge, adaptogens are plants and herbs that provide healing properties from anxiety and stress relief to increasing focus and lifting energy levels. I mean… it’s worth a shot? These are the three Megan picked out for Chris: (1) Tree Below Zero; (2) Recess; and (3) Queen City Hemp Seltzer. The Recess CBD Seltzer definitely has the cutest packaging and claims to make you “calm, cool, and collected” so we might drink all of Chris’s birthday present before he gets home form work today.

Stay healthy and hydrated, friends!