“Dad Juice”
As a backstory, we started using the term “Dad Juice” this past Fall when Chris introduced Ryan to any and all forms of spiked sparkling water and it was love at first sip. Now, both of our fridges are always stocked with a variety of hard seltzer and it is solely called Dad Juice, which is fitting because they are the only ones that drink it! You will only find me sipping a Truly if I’m tailgating (because it is way better than a Bud Light) or as an ingredient in Megan’s skinny margaritas, otherwise, not my thing! As the most experienced hard seltzer drinker, I asked Chris to give a run down on his favorites for any other Dad Juice lovers out there.
It seems relevant to disclaim that to the best of my knowledge, I do not have a drinking problem; however, sometimes I have a toddler problem. The rest of this article is devoted to my favorite solution.
Why do these companies market their refreshing beverages to college girls and incredibly fit guys? This misses the mark by a mile – young people are prone to experimentation and generally don’t know what they want. Middle-aged parents, on the other hand, are stuck at home with no free time and yet very little to do. Spiked seltzer water is the perfect solution to this predicament. At 4% to 5% ABV, these beverages take the edge off without rocking the boat. One, two, even three can be the perfect complement to a rainy afternoon trapped inside playing Candy Land. And the best part, no hangover.
Here is a list of some of my favorites:
1. “Head Over Heels” Watermelon Mint by Mighty Swell (5.0% ABV)
This is the 1955 Mercedes 300SL of hard seltzers. It has style, taste, and subtle refinement. Unfortunately, it’s a rare bird. I’ve only had it once, and it came in a sample-pack Megan’s family gave me for Christmas (it was an Advent calendar, full of hard seltzers – best gift of the season).

2. Rosé by Truly (5.0% ABV)
Diluted rosé does not sound appetizing, and I was nervous this would be that. However, credit to Truly for doing a rosé. It vaguely tastes like rosé, but is refreshing and not sweet. The box says there’s a “hint of California grapes”… Anyways, it’s a drinkable seltzer that is available in stores.

3. Pineapple Coconut by Waveline (4.0% ABV)
This one is a bit off the radar. Waveline’s out of Auburn, WA and appears to only have distribution in the Northwest, Colorado, and Texas. I just tried it recently and really enjoyed two of their three flavors. The pineapple coconut was my favorite, but the huckleberry lime was good too. The blood orange wasn’t my jam. The can tells me it has electrolytes in it, that it’s vegan, and only 80 calories. Probably the lowest calorie drink of the group.

4. Huckleberry by San Juan Seltzer (4.2% ABV)
San Juan Seltzer has very good distribution here in town – they even have their own stand at Washington Husky basketball games – and is made in SODO I believe. The San Juan drinks seem to be noticeably drier and more bitter than the mainstream seltzers. It’s a different taste for sure, but a good change of pace from the other seltzers. Also just learned they have a rose and a peach rose, so maybe Truly just took it mainstream.

5. Grapefruit by White Claw (5.0% ABV)
Old faithful. This is a great drink. My favorite flavor of the White Claw family and available pretty much anywhere.

Ain’t no laws when you’re drinking White Claws. Cheers!