How Not to Get Sick from Your Kids

I laughed at this meme the other day because it’s just so true. As the parents of young children, we are constantly exposed to all the crap these little germ factories carry. Sick kids are miserable. You don’t know until you know. Sick kids and sick parents? Even worse. I swear the last two years of Joey’s life I caught every single thing he brought home. To make matters worse, just about every time he got sick it turned into Croup, which meant scary trips to the emergency room.

Joey started preschool this year and was sick for the first 3 months of school. Poor Jack caught like 4 different colds before he was 6 months old! I couldn’t go on like this… Thankfully we are coming out of those nasty cold and flu months but in the meantime I found things that have kept my house fairly healthy since those first 3 brutal months of school.
The biggest change I made and what I think is making the most difference in staying well is drinking two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) every morning. I squeeze a half or whole lemon into a mug, 2 tablespoons of ACV, add a tiny splash of real maple syrup, and fill the rest of the mug with hot water. Drinking ACV by itself is pretty awful but this concoction is pretty easy to get down first thing every morning (the splash of maple syrup makes a big difference). Apple Cider Vinegar has so many health benefits in addition to strengthening your immune system including improving digestion, heart health, decreasing cancer risk, lowering blood pressure, helps you lose weight – check it out for yourself. (Hot tip: If I run out of lemons, I mix ACV into an Emergen-C)

Here are a few other things we find helpful in the never-ending fight to stay healthy in our households:
- Bio Vegetarian – Our Naturopath recommended these. They work so well; they really deserve a post all by themselves. If you are starting to feel sick, up the dosage to 3 pills morning and night and it will knock out whatever it is you might be coming down with.
- Elderberry Gummies for kids
- Elderberry Gummies for adults
- Vitamin C Gummies from Costco
- Ginger and Turmeric Juice Shots from Trader Joes
- Nighttime Emergen-Zzzz
- Kick-Ass Immune

I need to start drinking your ACV drink in the mornings
Yes you do!