Super Bowl Wine and Chip Pairing
Unless the Seahawks are in the Super Bowl, I’m only watching for the commercials, snacks, booze and half time show. I saw @samanthasommelier post an ad on Instagram with Walmart for a chip and wine pairing and thought it was genius; clearly I needed to try my own version! So, when I had zero plans the last Sunday playoff game (and Chris and Joe were planning on watching it) I decided it was the perfect time for my chip and wine pairing. I have never bought this many chips in my life but naturally this was the perfect excuse to buy all my favorite kinds: Cool Ranch Doritos, Hint of Lime Tostitos, Salt and Vinegar Lay’s and Tim’s Jalapeno – YUM! Then I realized I probably needed some help with my chips and wine so thankfully Megan and my siblings were available. I followed Samantha of @samanthasommelier lead and then did a little research of my own to come up with my wine pairings and here they are:
Cool Ranch Doritos and Pinot Noir

Hint of Lime Tostitos and Rose

Lay’s Salt and Vinegar and PicPoul

Tim’s Jalapeno and Champagne and/or Prosecco

All of the pairings were so good that I really can’t pick a favorite combination but the Straight Shooter Pinot Noir really stood out and I highly recommend you grab a bottle (and bag of Doritos). It turned out to be such a fun activity during the last playoff game. It gave all of us something to do when we were really weren’t that invested in the game not to mention it was so tasty. And, I feel like most of us plan on eating some sort of junk on Super Bowl Sunday, so why not make it chips?!
Do you have any Super Bowl plans? Even if you weren’t planning on doing anything for the Super Bowl, you can easily throw together a wine a chip pairing! It’s so easy, fun and delicious! Let us know if you give it a whirl. Oh and don’t worry, we had a few veggies with our chips 🙂