• Magical Cold Brew

    We have a fantastic cold brew coffee recipe for you today! Ryan does not even like coffee (unless it has chocolate in it!) and he mainlined this magical cold brew. A recipe born out of necessity because, unfortunately, COVID-19 has closed our favorite Lake Chelan coffee stand for the summer. Which, while at the lake, we typically walk or kayak to everyday for an iced coffee. And, despite this closure, our kids still wake up at the crack of dawn ready to play on the lake. So we started experimenting with cold brew recipes… Below is the magical recipe we are now making over and over again. INGREDIENTS 2/3 cup…

  • Lake Chelan Favorites

    Here is a list of our favorite things you don’t want to miss on your next trip to Lake Chelan: First things first, on your drive into Chelan, be sure to stop by Anjou Bakery and Country Boy’s BBQ in Cashmere. Anjou bakery for the best pies, tuna sandwiches, cinnamon rolls, and home made almond milk lattes. Country boy’s for the best barbecue ribs, chicken thighs, brisket and corn bread. YUM. The Vogue Liquid Lounge is the best spot in town for coffee and the tastiest home made granola bar you will ever have. We love to grab coffees and then try to keep up with the kids on scooters…