Chelan Bound – The Things I Pack That Make Traveling with Kids Easier

We are spending Memorial Day weekend in Lake Chelan which is where you will find us most long Summer weekends. My parents have a home there, we have been spending time there since childhood, Chris and I were married there and as a result of all of those things it is one of my very favorite places. That said, I still really do not like the process of packing up all the things and stuffing my car as full as possible and driving over there (it’s about a 3.5 hour drive for any of you out of towners :)). I wish I could tell you I had the answers but no; why is packing and traveling with kids so hard? And HOW did my mom do it with four children?

Thankfully my Mom keeps a lot of the big necessary items like Pack ‘n Plays over there but there are a few things I always bring that I have found make traveling a bit more manageable. Here is my list of traveling with kid necessities:
- Each of my boys has a Pottery Barn Duffle weekender bag that I pack their belongings in. Anytime I pack their clothes together or with mine it just turns into a giant heaping disorganized mess so I recommend packing separately (matching monogrammed bags not necessary but make me happy ;)).
- I bring these Medela Quick Clean Micro Steam Bags for easy steam cleaning on every trip. They are reusable steam cleaning bags for bottles, pump parts, pacifiers and more. Thankfully, I am done breastfeeding so I can leave the pump and ALLL THE PUMPING things at home (HALLELUJAH) but these are super convenient for cleaning anywhere. All you need is water and a microwave!
- I pack this Inglesina Table/Counter High Chair which is super easy to transport and hook him up on the dining table, kitchen counter or right in the middle of wherever the action is.
- Up until very recently, my parent’s cabin never had black out shades and there are so many windows that it was always a struggle getting the kids to nap or go to bed at a reasonable hour. Even now with black out shades, the rooms are hardly dark in the middle of the day for naps. Thankfully, I had good friend recommend I borrow her Slumberpod. A portable black out tent that goes over the Pack n’ Play giving your baby a dark and private place to sleep and a more restful and fun vacation for everyone! Wahoo!
- Joey is finally at the age where he doesn’t lose his mind on long car trips but Jack, well that’s a different story. The long car trips the past year or two were only made bearable with his Kindle Fire Tablet (and unfortunately – or is it fortunately? – Jack isn’t interested in shows yet). I’ll never forget when I was watching Joe, Sam and Emma one day last Summer and I told them they couldn’t watch a show for some reason this was Emma’s response: “Why? I’m going to watch 900 on the way to Chelan tomorrow”.
The golf clubs really don’t help… But thankful for my pack mule!
The boys didn’t let us forget the 30 pack of Truly 🙂
I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend. I am looking forward to a little change of scenery! Look out for a post on all of our Chelan favorites next week so you can plan a little get a way of your own.