Frosted Lemonade
Happy Friday everyone! Its supposed to be a warm weekend in Seattle (I actually see eighties in the forecast!!!) and I have the perfect family-friendly beverage for you to celebrate with: FROSTED LEMONADE.

For years, the only beverage my kids would drink other than milk and water was lemonade. Unlike Mallory’s boys that have been asking for bubbly water since they could talk, Sam and Emma would not touch carbonation or most other juices. 7-Up is only a recent addition to these very particular 8-year-olds’ repertoire. Therefore, when a recipe for Whipped Lemonade popped up on my Instagram feed from delish, I thought it would be the perfect summer treat for Sam and Emma to whip up (see what I did there!) in the kitchen with me.
And this year we are looking for any and all fun summer activities to keep Sam and Emma entertained at home. Before COVID-19, we used to sign Sam and Emma for week-after-week of summer camp as soon as registration opened in January/February each year. Summer camp was the form of childcare we used to occupy the kids until our nanny started in the afternoon. It was like fitting pieces of a puzzle together keeping of track of when certain camp registrations opened, what weeks we still needed to fill, and finding camps our kids were interested in attending. Then last summer all the camps were cancelled due to COVID (last minute, of course) and I spent hours trying to get our money back (admittedly still a little bitter). So, I went on summer camp strike this year. Most of our regularly attended camps didn’t know whether they would be able host kids this summer till only recently and our current wonderful nanny Sarah agreed to fill in with extra hours (hallelujah!). Frosted Lemonade to the rescue…
The secret ingredient in this Frosted Lemonade recipe is sweetened condensed milk. I cannot remember the last time I added sweetened condensed milk to anything?!?! But during my Internet recipe sleuthing, most of the recipes for whipped or frosted lemonade included this ingredient and despite my initial hesitation, this Frosted Lemonade concoction with sweetened condensed milk was delicious! Mallory, Joe and Jack all came over to help us test out recipes and everyone asked for second helpings of this Frosted Lemonade (even Sam and Emma).
Frosted Lemonade is even better with a little whipped cream on top. Extra mom points if you spray whipped cream straight into your kids’ mouths or onto their noses while whipping up this beverage. And adding booze would turn this Frosted Lemonade into an amazing cocktail (but Mom, you would be so proud, we didn’t!).

- 1 cup lemonade
- 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
- Juice of 2 lemons
- 4 cups ice
- Lemon slices and whipped cream for garnish
Combine lemonade and juice of 2 lemons in a blender. Add sweetened condensed milk to taste. Then add ice and blend until beverage reaches its desired consistency (milkshake-esque). Garnish with whipped cream and a lemon slice. Cheers!
Recipe Credit: delish
Slightly embarrassed to admit, It wasn’t until I started poking around the Internet for whipped lemonade recipes that I realized Chick-fil-A sells a cult-favorite Frosted Lemonade. According to Chick-fil-A’s website, their frosted lemonade is a hand-spun combination of lemonade and soft-serve ice cream. Many of the frosted lemonade recipes I found even claimed to be Chick-fil-A copycat recipes. So, after making Whipped Lemonade with Sam and Emma, I decided that I had to try out Chick-fil-A’s to see (1) what all the fuss was about and (2) how our Frosted Lemonade recipe measured up. While I know, most people try the “real thing” before making a copycat, I can now confidently tell you that Chick-fil-A’s Frosted Lemonade is indeed delicious and our Frosted Lemonade recipe does indeed taste almost identical but you can make it at home AND skip the huge long line.

So, does anyone want to deliver a Frosted Lemonade to me (and Ryan, it is Father’s Day weekend after all) during one of the 8 soccer games (you read that correctly) we get the privilege of watching Sam and Emma play this weekend?!?! Or maybe you have other great kid-friendly recipes to help keep Sam and Emma occupied this summer? We are taking ALL suggestions! But in the meantime, Frosted Lemonades will be on repeat in our blenders. Whipped cream (and booze) optional. Happy weekend!