Wine Council

Summer of Hard Kombucha

It’s the summer of Hard Kombucha! Have you tried it yet? It is light, fizzy, fruity and delightful. With varying levels of alcohol content and supposedly a healthy alternative to beer and wine with beneficial probiotics, prebiotics and adaptogens – what’s not to love?! We are big fans around here; so much so that we just ordered and received all the supplies to make our own!

Chris introduced me to Booch Craft after discovering it in LA and I love it so much it took me a while to try any other hard kombucha brand. I recently did my research and rounded up every brand I could find at my local grocery store (Metropolitan Market has the largest selection of Hard Kombucha I have seen) and I’m sharing the details below so you can decide which brand you want to sip on first.


It’s a cute can and a tasty beverage! Brewed with honey and green tea, the Hopical Citrus is a runner up to Boochcraft for me. That said, I did not enjoy the “Midnight Painkiller” which features activated charcoal – but maybe charcoal just isn’t my thing…

Boochcraft (aka “Booch”)

California-based, made of organic and fair trade ingredients all listed right there on the side of the can. No added sweeteners or artificial ingredients. At 7%, it packs a punch and is so delicious. I love the grapefruit hibiscus heather and ginger lime flavors and can’t wait to get my hands on the watermelon chili. Yum!


While I love their slogans, “the future is fizzy” and “hang without the over”, I unfortunately am not a fan of KYLA Sunbreak Series. I really don’t enjoy the taste of artificial sweetener, which is exactly what this brand overwhelmingly tastes like to me. I checked the ingredients and found the problem – Stevia Leaf Extract. I also tried the original KYLA Ginger Tangerine flavor out of the bottle, which was more enjoyable, but I still don’t have any plans to purchase it again.

I am looking forward to trying other brands as more make their way into the Seattle area. Here is an article on a few more you should consider. Let me know if you try it! And currently taking brand name ideas for the ‘Booch we have brewing… 😉