We are sisters born and raised in Seattle and now blessed to live right across the street from each other – and love it! Megan is a full-time bad ass attorney and mom of twins, and Mallory is an elementary school counselor turned stay at home mom of two boys.
We have been talking about starting a blog for years now, to document and share all the fun things we do, eat, drink, and buy that make raising kids more fun and manageable. We used to live just a few blocks away from each other but recently Mallory moved directly across the street which is when “Wine Council” started. Wine Council is when we put the kids to bed, get the baby monitors out, pour a glass of wine, and meet on Mallory’s porch with our husbands to relax, recover, and laugh. One lovely evening at Wine Council, we decided it was happening and Let’s Wine About it, Sister became a thing.
A little bit more about us: we are avid Washington Wine drinkers, love to entertain, spend way too much money on groceries (and life in general according to our husbands), prefer themed gifts, and feel incredibly grateful to be a part of a family who loves to spend time together.
Follow along as we navigate motherhood together.