
To Sauna or Not?

Do you Sauna? Until very recently, I had never given it much thought. Chris, on the other hand, is obsessed. Him, Ryan and my brothers love a good sauna and steam session. They are all so obsessed that Chris getting one for our garage or backyard is a normal topic of conversation (not happening).

This last Sunday following Valentines Day, my in-laws came over to watch the kids and we went to the gym and out to lunch. This was the first time in forever we have gone on a “day date” and it was glorious; I highly recommend it. We worked out and then went our separate ways to the locker rooms, and I knew Chris’s plan was to sauna, steam and shave, so I figured I might as well give it a try. At first it was just hot, obviously, but the longer I stayed in there the more relaxed I felt and the more I enjoyed it. So, based on that experience, I decided to do a little research:

Here are some of the benefits I found of sauna-use:

  • Stress reduction: the heat relaxes your muscles, improves stimulation and stimulates the release of endorphins
  • Increases heart rate similar to exercise
  • Aids in recovery after an intense work out by soothing aches in muscles and joints and eliminating lactic acid and other toxins
  • Detoxify your body: a good sweat is good for everybody!
  • Helps fight off illnesses and kills viruses

Are you kidding me? Why have I not been sauna-ing for all these years? Maybe I should listen to Chris a little more often 😉

At this point in my life I rarely have time for a leisurely work out, but if I find myself with a little extra time at the gym and don’t have to race home to the boys, I’m hitting the sauna.

Here’s my post work out/sauna, going to lunch outfit; I highly recommend these pants and kicks! They are both so comfortable and are a little more exciting than my typical lounge wear aka everyday wear.

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