
To the beauty and brains of our family on her 40th birthday…

Here are just a few things we love about you:

  • How you work so hard to make everyone feel loved with the perfect themed gifts purchased months in advance
  • Your tenacity and perfectionism
  • Your willingness to step in and help with anything – especially when it comes to your three younger siblings
  • You are a fabulous cook and aren’t afraid to tackle anything in the kitchen
  • Your perfectly themed outfits
  • How you are teaching your kids to be empathetic and give back to your community
  • And last but not least:
How smart and talented you are…
What an avid wine drinker you are, always willing to finish the bottle (even straight out of the bottle if necessary)…
And most recently, what a greater blogger/business partner you are, however we both seriously need to work on our no teeth smiles before we ever make it in this world.

Cheers to you sister! You don’t look a day over 33 (which is my age and people always ask if we are twins, wtf). Looking forward to celebrating you with lots of red wine and chocolate!


One Comment

  • Hillary

    Albeit belated, wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Megan! And I’m enjoying the blog, even if the “no-teeth smiles” are a work in progress.😉💜