Booze Bandits
My brother Michael and his fiancé Laura are margarita bandits; they left ice cold skinny margaritas on Megan’s and my porches last week with directions to sanitize, drink, text who you think the bandit is, and then continue drinking. Needless to say, we loved the idea, and wanted to become booze bandits ourselves. Why booze bandits and not margaritas bandits? Because we thought of all sorts of fun booze-y things we would love to find on our porches (margaritas included). So let’s end this long month of quarantine with a bang and make someone’s day! Check out our booze bandit ideas below.

Margarita Bandit
Fill a mason jar with ice, then top with 1 (or 2 if you are feeling extra generous) shots of good tequila, the juice of 1/2 lime, 1/2 lemon, and 1/4 orange, then fill the the rest with Grapefruit White Claw or sparkling water. Michael and Laura included extra lemons and limes so whomever you are delivering to can extend the favor to someone else. Or, make it super easy and try the new Squirtarita! I added some fun paper straws with my delivery as well!

Mimosa Bandit
Megan was a mimosa bandit on my birthday last year and it was such a fun surprise. All you need is a small bottle of Odwalla Orange Juice and a mini bottle of Champagne or Prosecco. Being the sister she is, she also included a fun champagne tee – a great idea if you have a girlfriend’s birthday coming up! Or grab a mimosa Mothers Day card / card and you have a great little Mother’s Day treat for all the mimosa-loving moms in your life.
Wine Bandit
We can’t meet in person for HH so why not deliver it? A fun bottle of wine, a little bit of cheese, a miniature fig spread, and some tasty crackers – yes please! Wouldn’t this make anyone’s day? Throw in some fun cocktail napkins while you’re at it.

Spritz Bandit
Fill a mason jar with ice and add Aperol (leaving enough room for equal parts Aperol and champagne) plus soda. Include a mini bottle of champagne, can of soda, and an orange! Add a note with directions and some fun paper straws!

Beer Bandit
This could be as simple as two cans or bottles of beer, a crowler, or a growler! Add some peanuts or pretzels (or both), deliver, and your work as a beer bandit is done! These bright solo cups would be a fun touch or if you want to step up your game even more, I love gifting these beer gift boxes and it lets you mix and match to include all the favorites – could be hard seltzer, champs, beer or wine!

Is it a special occasion? Or just looking for extra ideas to spice up your booze bandit delivery? Here are some fun things to add in: