Thanksgiving Leftovers Recipe Inspiration
Are you stumped by what to do with your Thanksgiving leftovers? Do you open your fridge and groan at the mountain of Tupperware taking up valuable shelf real estate? Maybe its because I never actually host Thanksgiving at my house, but I love looking for creative recipes that use Thanksgiving leftovers. Heck, I even separately roast a turkey breast just so I can have Thanksgiving leftovers in my refrigerator.
Last night, in honor of my love for Thanksgiving leftovers, I made Joy The Baker’s Thanksgiving Turkey Pot Pie. It was delicious, but I highly recommend using all my recipe shortcuts. I used Trader Joe’s frozen pie crust, mirepoix (instead of chopping my own carrots and onion), pre-trimmed green beans, and box of stuffing (comes in 12-oz size so you don’t have to buy two). In place of fresh herbs, I used dried thyme and sage. And made Butterball’s All Natural Ready to Roast Boneless Turkey Breast that you literally just have to stick in your oven (no prep!).
In Thanksgiving’s past, we have made Thanksgiving Fried Rice and Thanksgiving Soup. Both are also recipes not to be missed!
Looking for some other Thanksgiving leftovers recipe inspiration? Here are some other fun ideas that caught our eye this season:
A leftover turkey sandwich with a poached egg from Sweet Paul, yes please! Thanksgiving Stuffed Pasta Shells from Candid Appetite because everything is better with noodles. I plan on making this Turkey and Stuffing Quiche on Thanksgiving morning (why even wait for leftovers!). Turkey Vegetable Soup with Stuffing Dumplings (yes, I typed that correctly, stuffing dumplings) from the Food Network. And a little zest to your post-Thanksgiving ritual and make Turkey Tacos with Cranberry Salsa. Cannot go wrong with a Turkey Pot Pie recipe from The Modern Proper. Make Thanksgiving Stuffed Peppers in order to add a few more vegetables to your post-Turkey Day diet. Thanksgiving Nachos because there are football games to be watched, people. And Creamy Turkey Orzo Soup from Ahead Of Thyme (because my children may actually eat this recipe and it sounds comforting and delicious).
What do you like to do with your Thanksgiving leftovers? And, don’t worry, straight out of the fridge into the microwave is a perfectly satisfactory response. Heck, I won’t even raise an eyebrow if you skip the microwave!
Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving to all from Lets Wine About It Sister! May your Thanksgiving (and leftovers) be in abundance this year!