FORE! Joe turns FOUR

FORE! We had the best time celebrating our big boy turning FOUR this weekend at Willows Run Golf Course in Redmond. We ate treats, sipped draft beer, and played putt putt golf of course. If you haven’t been, it’s a great golf complex with a fun eighteen-hole themed putting course in addition to two regular courses and a par three family nine-hole course. I grew up playing putt putt golf here and it was fun to bring our boys back!
As for treats, I served an assortment of mini Trophy Cupcakes with golf ball ring toppers, small bags of the best Chex Mix in cellophane bags, and various appetizers and bites from the restaurant at Willows Run. I included the Chex Mix recipe below, because like I said, it’s the best ever. My mom makes this for all holidays and it never gets old.

Chex Mix
- 1 cup butter
- 1/3 cup Worcestershire Sauce
- 2 teaspoons granulated garlic
- 1/2 box or package of the following:
- Chex mix
- Pretzels
- Cheeze Its
- Mixed nuts (Costco size container)
- Cheerios
- Optional add ins: m&ms, goldfish
- Preheat oven to 250. Melt butter and stir in Worcestershire and garlic.
- Gradually add in cereals, nuts, pretzels, Cheeze Its and any extras
- Bake 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Spread on absorbent paper to cool. Store in air tight container.
Joe has been getting really into golf and Chris couldn’t be happier about it. Lucky for me, his new interest in golf made for easy outdoor/covid-friendly birthday party planning and thankfully the weather cooperated. So, after getting his very own golf bag and new set of clubs, putt putt was just the way to celebrate our guy.
As always, Amazon made the rest of the party planning very easy. I ordered golf ball plates and cups, grass table clothes used as a tablecloth and party backdrop, golf ball cups with straws, golf ball balloons, golf ball cupcake ring toppers, and soft foam golf balls in cellophane bags as party favors, and done! Also, random, but I love having cellophane bags on hand. They come in so handy and make packaging so much prettier! Last but not least, GlamfettiCo Etsy shop helped out with the rest of the balloons which made the whole party come together for our big big guy…. can’t believe he’s FOUR!
Hope you all had a great weekend with the ones you love! XO